Ryan Garcia Returns To Training Looking Very Heavy

July 3, 2024
3 days
Ryan Garcia Returns To Training Looking Very Heavy

Ryan Garcia has returned to training after his recent performance against Devin Haney

Garcia secured the biggest win of his career, beating Haney via a majority decision. However, the result was overturned following Garcia’s failed VADA tests for Ostarine. Haney’s undefeated record was reinstated, with Garcia getting a one-year ban. There are worries that Garcia will not be able to keep himself in shape based on his recent behavior.

He admitted that he was drinking and smoking weed for the Haney fight. He also walks around bigger than the 140-pound limit, which was shown when he failed to make weight. Garcia has previously been away from the sport for around two years when he beat Luke Campbell, citing mental health issues. He is now facing another tough obstacle as his mother is battling breast cancer. 

The following video clip shows Garcia hitting the pads as he chases his trainer. The footage demonstrates that Garcia has put on a lot of weight, maybe close to 170 pounds. Given that he could not make 140 while also failing for Ostarine, which is known for being a fat burner, it is vital that he keeps himself in shape. 

Garcia’s Training

One of the main issues Garcia will have moving forward is that he will have question marks over his prior wins. Despite claiming he did not take anything intentionally, strict liability means he is responsible. The boxer tried everything he could to show that it was not intentional.

He submitted a negative hair follicle test to rule out long-term PED usage. Garcia then submitted his supplements to test for contamination. They showed traces of Ostarine. However, since they were unsealed, there was not enough conclusive evidence. Garcia had to show that the supplement was sealed from the same lot number. 

“The test results from samples of two supplements declared by Ryan Garcia on VADA Doping Control Forms, signed on April 19th and 20th, have returned positive for Ostarine contamination,” Garcia’s legal team 

Dana White On Garcia

While that may be the case, Garcia received a lesser suspension than Amir Khan. Khan was banned for two years for having a smaller amount of Ostarine in his system than Khan. Although he proved it was unintentional, it did not stop the boxer from getting suspended. Dana White has reacted to the news of Garcia’s suspension, stating that he believes Ryan did not cheat. 

“From what my team tells me, and these guys are the…best, [it was a] tainted supplement. None of that is any of my business — it’s not my card. I hate talking about drug testing, but with all my knowledge … in the years [UFC has] been drug testing, we believe the people who handle the drug testing that he took a tainted supplement and did not cheat. [He failed to have] the right people around him,” White said

Garcia has spoken about his desire to do a crossover fight with the UFC, either ring boxing or MMA. He has been linked with fighting UFC Bantamweight Champion Sean O’Malley. Given that White has backed him, that will go some way to entering into negotiations for a potential fight. 

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