Spring Cleaning Checklist: 77 Tips To A Tidier Home This 2024

March 4, 2024
2 months
spring cleaning checklist 2024 - a photo of an updated complete checklist

Is your spring cleaning checklist feeling a little stale this 2024? Hey, fellow cleaning superstars (or soon-to-be superstars)! Ready to tackle the ultimate spring cleaning checklist and get those springtime allergies under control? I feel you!

I’ve got 77 secrets to make your 2024 spring cleaning the best one yet. We’re tackling stubborn spots, trying those crazy but effective cleaning tricks, and creating a space so fresh you’ll want to throw a confetti party (minus the extra mess, of course!). Let’s make spring cleaning fun again!

1. Shake Your Doormat Outside

First, let’s give our trusty doormat a much-needed spring break! Remember all that winter slush and muddy paw prints it heroically absorbed? Time to repay the favor.

Grab that doormat and give it a good shake outside. Warning: you might be surprised (and maybe a little grossed out) by the hidden dirt jungle you unearth.

But fear not, consider it a pre-clean stress reliever! Bonus points if you have a hose and can give it a quick shower to rinse away the last bits of winter grime. Now THAT’s a fresh start!

2. Clean Marks Off Door Handles and Light Switches

We’ve all seen them – those mysterious smudges lurking on light switches and doorknobs. Let’s declare war on these grubby invaders! Grab your favorite cleaning spray (or a trusty “magic eraser” for stubborn marks) and a damp microfiber cloth. A quick swipe with your cleaning buddy and those once-suspect surfaces will be gleaming like a knight’s armor. Victory is sweet, and your home will thank you!

Young woman with rechargeable vacuum cleaner spring cleaning at home 2024

3. Pull Out the Vacuum and Go Over Your Couch

Confession time: couches have a superpower – the ability to swallow entire bags of chips and make remotes vanish into thin air. But fear not, cleaning comrades! It’s time to reclaim lost territory.

Before you unleash the vacuum cleaner, check the couch cushions for any rogue coins, forgotten toys, or that missing earring you swore you’d never lose again. Then, equip yourself with the vacuum’s crevice tool and embark on a crumb-excavating mission. Just be prepared for a few “oh my goodness, how did THAT get there?” moments.

4. Dust Off Your Lampshades

Those dust bunnies clinging to your lampshades? Not on our watch! They’re single-handedly dimming the light in your entire room. This best spring cleaning checklist of 2024 will liberate your lamps!

First, grab a lint roller and gently remove any stubborn fuzz clinging to the shade, especially if it has a textured fabric. For a super deep clean, see if the shade is removable (check that tag!). If it is, a quick hand-wash (with cold water, of course!) will make it look brand new. Your lamps will thank you by bathing your space in a glorious dust-bunny-free glow.

Happy young woman taking book from bookshelf

5. Go Through Your Books. If You Won’t Read It Again, Donate It

Calling all bookworms! Is your bookshelf overflowing with novels you’ll probably never revisit? Let’s face it: sometimes, we buy books with the best intentions, and then… life happens. But instead of just donating those unread sagas, why not spice things up a bit?

Consider swapping books with friends or checking if your local library or used bookstore accepts donations in exchange for store credit. This way, your pre-loved books get a second life (and you might just discover some hidden gems!), and you free up valuable shelf space for new literary adventures. It’s a win-win for everyone!

6. Give Your Picture Frames a Quick Wipe

You know those moments when you glance at a family photo and think, “Is that a smudge, or did Grandma’s portrait grow a dusty mustache?”. Let’s restore those precious memories while solving a mini-mystery! 

Grab a soft microfiber cloth (the ultra-fluffy kind, bonus points if it’s a fun color!) and gently investigate those frames. Wipe away fingerprint clues to discover if the culprit was sticky toddler fingers or the sneaky cat who loves to rub against everything.

High angle of hands with surgical gloves disinfecting tablet on desk during spring cleaning

7. Grab a Cloth and Clean Your Gadgets

Ever touched your phone screen and left behind a greasy fingerprint trail worthy of a crime scene? Or perhaps your keyboard has enough crumbs hiding in the crevices to feed a small bird? It’s time to reclaim your tech territory!

Disinfectant wipes provide quick cleaning power, but for serious grime, use a microfiber cloth with the slightest dampening of water and a microscopic drop of dish soap. Pay close attention to those well-used buttons and the grooves between keys. Your gadgets will thank you!

8. Look Under the Furniture and Vacuum Up the Dust

Think of the area under your furniture as an uncharted world teeming with dust bunnies, lost treasures, and perhaps a sock you were convinced had been swallowed by the dryer monster. Gear up for a safari by grabbing your vacuum with its trusty attachments – the flat crevice tool will be your secret weapon for those narrow spaces.

Consider donning a headlamp (or using your phone’s flashlight!) for extra visibility. Be prepared for archaeological discoveries, both delightful (a long-lost earring!) and maybe slightly questionable (what IS that sticky lump?).

2024 best spring cleaning checklist guide - a woman wiping the baseboard

9. Get Down and Wipe the Baseboards

Baseboards are notorious dust and scuff collectors, making your room feel dingier than it needs to be. So channel your inner ninja and grab a damp microfiber cloth (a spritz of your favorite all-purpose cleaner adds extra grime-fighting power).

Kneel down and give those baseboards a thorough swipe, paying special attention to corners where dust bunnies like to hide. Put on your favorite high-energy music to make this cleaning mission even more epic!

10. Clean the Dust Off Your Ceiling Fan Blades

Ceiling fans are helpful… until they unleash a surprise dust shower that makes you question their purpose. Let’s prevent the dust disaster!

Grab an extendable duster (the fluffier, the better!) and carefully wipe each blade clean. If your ceilings are high, a step stool might be necessary, but prioritize safety – we don’t want a heroic cleaning story to turn into a “how I broke my arm” tale!

a photo of a man cleaning the fan blades - spring cleaning Checklist 2024 best guide

11. Take Down Your Curtains and Wash Them or Shake Them Out

You know those moments when a sunbeam hits your curtains just right, and you realize they’ve turned into giant dust collectors? Time for a refresh! First, consult the care tag – are they machine-washable or dry-clean only?

If washable, toss them in for a gentle cycle and let them air dry. For non-washable curtains, take them outside for a good ol’ fashioned shake-down (bonus arm workout!). Either way, you’ll be amazed at how much brighter your space looks with clean, dust-free curtains.

12. Wipe Down Your Blinds

Blinds are masters at collecting dust, dimming the light, and making a room feel dingy. Let’s show them who’s boss in this best spring cleaning checklist 2024! Grab a microfiber cloth or an old sock (trust me, it works!).

Slightly dampen the cloth, then close the blinds and gently wipe down each slat. Flip the blinds the other way and repeat. For extra stubborn grime, a tiny bit of all-purpose cleaner on your damp cloth will do the trick. Now, open those blinds and bask in the glorious sunlight!

a photo of a cleaner wiping window sills in 2024

13. Clean Your Window Sills

Window sills are like magnets for dust, pollen, and mysterious insect remains (nature can be weird). Don’t worry, my friend! A window sill cleaning mission awaits! Start by clearing away any clutter. Then, grab a damp microfiber cloth and a bit of all-purpose cleaner.

Wipe away the grime, paying extra attention to corners and grooves where dust bunnies like to build their empires. Your reward? A sparkling clean window sill and an unobstructed view of the outside world.

14. Vacuum the Air Vents

Air vents are sneaky dust hoarders, sometimes even blowing dust particles into your room. Let’s ambush them! Remove the vent covers (some just pop off, others might need a screwdriver).

Wipe down the cover with a damp cloth and tackle the inside of the vent as best you can with your vacuum cleaner’s hose attachment or a long, thin brush. Snap those clean covers back on, and breathe easier knowing those dust bunnies are on the run.

a woman cleaning the air vents of her home in 2024 spring cleaning day

15. Spot Clean Any Stains on Your Carpets

Spilled coffee? Muddy paw prints? Let’s tackle those carpet stains before they become permanent eyesores. First rule: blot, don’t rub! Grab a clean cloth and your trusty carpet cleaner (or a DIY mix of water, vinegar, and a drop of dish soap).

Blot gently from the outside in to avoid spreading the stain further. For older stains, you might need a carpet steamer, but attacking it fresh gives you the best chance of banishing the stain for good!

16. Turn Your Rugs Around So They Wear Evenly

Ever notice how your rugs develop their own “high traffic” paths? Let’s outsmart those predictable patterns with a super simple rug flip!

It’s like a sneaky room refresh without moving any furniture (because, honestly, who wants to do that while cleaning?). If you’ve got a bigger rug, recruit a helper, a friend, or a family member and make it a fun team effort.

Young housewife with yellow gloves cleaning the floor

17. Mop or Polish Your Floors, Depending On What They Need

Dirty floors, your days of grime are numbered with this spring cleaning checklist guide 2024! But before we bust out the cleaning supplies, let’s strategize. Hardwood calls for that classic deep clean with a trusty mop and bucket.

For tile or linoleum, a speedy Swiffer session might be all you need to tackle everyday dust and dirt. And if you’re craving a shine so intense you’ll need sunglasses, grab that floor polish for a mirror-like gleam!

18. Tidy Up Your Pantry and Throw Out Old Food

Get ready to channel your inner archaeologist for a pantry excavation! Seriously, those shelves can hide surprises – both delightful (forgotten bag of fancy chocolate chips!) and slightly questionable (ancient jar of mystery spices?).

Ruthlessly check those expiration dates – anything past its prime has to go. Donate those unopened goodies you know you’ll never use, and revel in the rediscovery of ingredients you totally forgot you had.

spring cleaning day checklist 2024 - a photo of a woman arranging her kitchen spices

19. Check Your Spices. If They’re Old, Toss Them

Spices are the secret weapons of flavor, but sadly, they lose their punch over time. Give those spice jars a good sniff test – anything smelling more like dusty boredom than culinary adventure needs replacing. Treat yourself to some fresh, vibrant spices, and get ready to take your cooking to a whole new level of deliciousness.

20. Organize Your Utensil Drawer

Is opening your utensil drawer like entering a chaotic utensil mosh pit? Let’s restore some sanity! First, empty that bad boy completely and give it a good wipe-down (crumbs have a way of infiltrating the tiniest spaces).

Then, group like with like – forks with forks, spatulas with spatulas – and bravely toss out anything broken, bent, or so random you don’t even know what it is. If your utensil drawer has a history of rebellion, a simple drawer divider can work wonders in maintaining the peace.

Smiling woman looking at potted flower on spring cleaning day 2024

21. Clean and Organize Your Pots and Pans

Wrestling with grimy, crusty pans makes me want to order takeout forever. Let’s change that! First, ditch any dented or warped cookware – they’re beyond saving. For the keepers, a long soak in hot, soapy water softens most messes.

Stubborn burnt-on bits? A sprinkle of baking soda and a little elbow grease will work wonders. Finally, store them cleverly – hanging pot racks are a lifesaver in small kitchens, while pan dividers keep skillets stacked and scratch-free.

22. Sort Out Your Baking Supplies

I love baking, but a disorganized stash ruins my kitchen flow. Time for an overhaul! Be ruthless with expired goods – old flour makes for tough, sad cookies.

Consolidate those half-used bags of sprinkles and chocolate chips, and donate anything you’re realistically never going to use. Group similar ingredients together (flours with flours, sugars with sugars) for easy access when a sudden cookie craving strikes.

a photo of a woman taking out stinky fruits from the fridge - spring cleaning checklist day 2024

23. Clean Out Your Fridge and Wipe It Down

My fridge can sometimes feel like a time capsule of leftovers. Let’s deep clean! Hunt down expired items (especially that questionable jar lurking in the back), toss anything moldy or wilted, then give it a good wipedown.

I like warm, soapy water for general grime, but a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water is a powerful, natural disinfectant. A clean, organized fridge means fresher food and less mystery-item encounters.

24. Defrost Your Freezer and Organize It

Is your freezer a frosty wasteland where veggie bags vanish? Time for a defrost and organizational intervention! Unplug that frosty beast, strategically place some towels (melting ice = potential waterworks), and wipe it down with the same soapy water or vinegar solution once the ice retreats.

While you’re waiting, be ruthless with freezer-burned items and rediscover those long-lost frozen goodies. Invest in a few freezer bins for the ultimate organization – no more frozen pea avalanches!

a photo of a woman in front of a clean dishwasher

25. Clean Your Dishwasher Inside

Even the dishwasher needs cleaning sometimes! Gunk builds up over time, making dishes less than spotless. Pop out the filter and scrub away any trapped food bits.

Then, run a cycle with a commercial dishwasher cleaning tablet or, for a natural option, place a cup of white vinegar on the bottom rack. Say goodbye to grime and hello to a fresh-smelling, sparkling-clean dishwasher.

26. Descale Your Coffee Maker for Better Coffee

If your morning coffee tastes more “meh” than magnificent, it’s time for a coffee maker intervention! Limescale buildup could be the culprit behind that lackluster brew. You can find commercial descaling solutions (follow the instructions carefully), but I often opt for a simple DIY cleaner made with equal parts white vinegar and water.

Run that solution through a brewing cycle, discard, then run a couple more cycles with plain water to rinse out any residual vinegar taste. Your next cup of coffee will be a delicious reward for your cleaning efforts!

2024 spring cleaning to do checklist - a photo of a woman cleaning a toaster

27. Empty and Clean Your Toaster

Toasters are sneaky crumb magnets, and those forgotten crumbs can create a smoky surprise (not the good kind). Always unplug your toaster before cleaning for safety! Then, turn it upside down over the trash can and give it a good shake – you’ll be amazed at how many crumbs come tumbling out.

For those stubborn bits clinging to the inside, grab a soft brush (an old pastry brush works wonders!) to dislodge them. Finish with a quick wipe-down of the exterior, and your toaster is back in business.

28. Steam Clean the Microwave

Let’s harness the power of steam to clean that splattered microwave! In a microwave-safe bowl, mix a cup of water, a few tablespoons of white vinegar (for cleaning power), and a squeeze of lemon (for a fresh scent).

Zap it on high for several minutes until the interior is nice and steamy. Carefully remove the bowl (it’ll be hot!), then wipe down the inside with a damp cloth. All that stubborn, stuck-on food will come off with ease!

a photo of a woman scrubbing her oven during spring cleaning day 2024

29. Give Your Oven a Good Scrub

A dirty oven has a strange way of making everything you cook smell vaguely burnt. Time to tackle that baked-on mess! First, remove the racks and give them a good soak in a sink full of hot, soapy water.

For the oven interior, you can go with a store-bought oven cleaner (follow the directions!) or make a paste of baking soda and water. Spread the paste on the greasy areas, let it work its magic for a bit, then start scrubbing. Wipe the whole thing clean with soapy water or your usual kitchen cleaner, replace those sparkling racks, and your oven is ready to handle your next baking project.

30. Clean Your Stovetop

Stovetops and food splatters go hand-in-hand. First, figure out your stovetop type. Gas burners need those grates removed and soaked in soapy water. Electric coils can be gently lifted and wiped underneath with a damp cloth.

Smooth glass stovetops work best with specialized cleaners, but a sprinkle of baking soda and a spritz of vinegar creates fizzy cleaning power that works in a pinch. Whatever your stovetop, wipe it down and add a final polish with a bit of glass cleaner (if your stovetop allows it) for a squeaky-clean finish.

spray cleaning the stovetops

31. Care for Your Countertops Properly

I love my countertops, but they put up with a lot – crumbs, spills, and the occasional “oops, did I just put a hot pan directly on there?” moment. Knowing your countertop material is key to keeping them looking their best.

If you have granite, marble, or natural stone, avoid harsh cleaners – they can damage the surface. Instead, I opt for mild dish soap or a stone-specific solution. More forgiving surfaces like laminate, tile, and stainless steel are less fussy, but I still hate abrasive scrubs. An all-purpose cleaner or a simple vinegar-water mix usually does the trick.

And if you’ve got butcher block, don’t forget to oil it regularly with mineral oil (not the cooking kind!) to keep it looking gorgeous. Regardless of material, always wipe spills quickly, use cutting boards, and avoid putting hot pans directly on the surface!

spring cleaning 2024 guide checklist - a photo of a man draining sink

32. Clean and Descale Your Sink

Sinks work hard, and I think mine deserves a little pampering sometimes! Start by emptying and rinsing it completely. For everyday cleaning, trusty dish soap and warm water is perfect.

To banish dullness and fight limescale in hard-water areas, I sprinkle baking soda, spritz with vinegar (fizzy fun!), and let it sit for a bit before scrubbing and rinsing. For a gleaming finish, especially on stainless steel sinks, wipe everything dry with a soft cloth – this helps prevent pesky water spots!

33. Go Through Your Medicine Cabinet and Throw Out Expired Stuff

We all have those half-used bottles of cough syrup shoved in the back of the medicine cabinet “just in case.” But expired medications lose their effectiveness and can even become harmful, so it’s time for a purge!

I’m ruthless with expiration dates – anything past its prime has to go. Safely dispose of expired medications (many pharmacies have drop-off programs!) and consider organizing what’s left into categories (pain relief, vitamins, etc.) to find what you need quickly.

a photo of someone sorting toiletries

34. Sort Your Makeup and Toiletries – Keep What You Use

I love a good makeup routine, but sometimes those drawers become disaster zones. Expired products are a no-go, so it’s time to streamline! Old mascara? Clumpy foundation? Out they go! 

I keep only what I love and use regularly, throwing out anything dried out, separated, or with a funky smell. To make my morning routine smoother, I use a makeup organizer to contain the keepers, giving my products a designated home and minimizing that frantic searching for my favorite lipstick.

35. Wash All Your Towels

Musty towels are the worst. Time to freshen up those bathroom heroes! I gather all my towels – bath, hand, kitchen, even the forgotten ones shoved under the sink – and toss them into the washing machine with my usual detergent.

For a boost of freshness and ultimate fluffiness (who doesn’t love that feeling?), I add half a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle. Dry them thoroughly, and enjoy that fresh-towel feeling – it’s the simple things in life!

a photo of a man during spring cleaning day removing a showerhead for cleaning limescale

36. Clean Your Shower Head to Get Rid of Limescale

Ever step into the shower, all ready for a relaxing rinse, only to be met with a pathetic dribble of water pressure? Limescale buildup, that sneaky villain, could be blocking your showerhead’s performance. Don’t worry, though! We can banish the weak stream and bring back the power shower you deserve.

Commercial descaling solutions work great, but I’m a vinegar enthusiast. Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar, tie it around the showerhead like a tiny, sour hat, and let it soak overnight.

In the morning, remove the vinegar hat (RIP, showerhead’s bad hair day), rinse everything thoroughly, and prepare to be amazed by the revitalized water pressure. Now go forth and shower like a champion!

a photo of a clean bath mat

37. Wash Your Bath Mats

Those plush bath mats – a haven for tired feet after a long day… or a breeding ground for questionable moisture and mystery? Let’s be honest: sometimes we forget about our trusty bath mats, and before you know it, they’ve become less “spa day” and more “science experiment gone wrong.”

First, check the care tag – most bath mats are washing machine-friendly. Toss them in with your usual detergent, and for extra fluff and odor-fighting power, add a splash of white vinegar (vinegar truly is the cleaning MVP!).

Hang them to dry completely before returning them to their rightful place by the tub. Stepping onto a fresh, fluffy bath mat – pure bliss!

Housekeeper cleaning a toilet

38. Give Your Toilet a Thorough Clean

We can all agree – cleaning the toilet isn’t exactly our idea of a good time. But a sparkling throne is a thing of unexpected beauty, wouldn’t you say? So, let’s conquer this cleaning beast together!

First, grab your cleaning gloves (trust me, these are essential for this mission). Squirt some toilet bowl cleaner under the rim and let it work its magic while you disinfect the rest of the porcelain palace with a damp cloth and your favorite cleaning spray.

Back to the bowl – a quick scrub with the toilet brush (don’t forget those hidden corners!), and flush away the grime! Here’s a pro tip: to prevent future stains, consider a toilet cleaning tablet that fizzes away in the tank, keeping things fresh and clean for longer.

Side view of woman cleaning mirror with cloth

39. Make Your Mirrors Shine

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a streaky mirror. It can make even the most flawless makeup job look, well, a little wonky. For a crystal-clear reflection, I swear by a simple DIY solution: mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle.

Give the mirror a good spritz, and then comes the magic – wipe it down with a microfiber cloth. This combo delivers a lint-free, streak-free finish that’ll have you saying, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, you’re looking fabulous today!” For those stubborn toothpaste splatters or makeup mishaps, a dab of dish soap on a damp cloth before the vinegar treatment works wonders.

40. Clean the Bathroom Fan

Bathroom fans – those silent heroes working tirelessly to whisk away steam and prevent mold growth, and they can get pretty dusty themselves! Before tackling the fan, always remember to turn off the power at the breaker box – safety first!

Once that’s done, remove the cover and give it a good wash with warm, soapy water. Next, grab your trusty vacuum cleaner and suck up those dust bunnies lurking in the vent. Finally, wipe down the fan blades with a damp cloth.

Once everything is dry, reattach the cover and turn the power back on. Your bathroom fan will thank you for the dust-busting TLC!

spring cleaning checklist guide 2024 - a photo of a man wiping bathroom fan

41. Organize Your Closet and Donate Clothes You Don’t Wear

Designate three extra-large boxes or bins: “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Toss.” Now, let’s channel your inner fashion critic! Hold up each piece and examine it closely. Analyze the fabric: is it still in good condition, or is it pilling or faded? Does the fit flatter your current figure?

Be honest with yourself – would you buy this item today? If the answer is a confident “yes!” it earns its place in your closet. Still wavering? Try it on and move around – if you don’t feel fabulous, it’s time to let it go.

42. Go Through Your Shoes. Fix, Donate, or Throw Out as Needed

Let’s assess those footwear friends! For your beloved heels, are the scuffs fixable with polish, or do they need a cobbler’s expertise? If the repair cost outweighs the shoes’ worth, it might be a sign to search for a fantastic new pair.

Next, those trusty but tired sneakers – check the soles for excessive wear and any holes in the fabric. Consider how often you wear them; if they’re your everyday go-to, replacing them with a fresh pair will feel amazing. But if they’re relegated to occasional garden work, maybe they can hang on a bit longer.

a photo of shoes in a donation box

43. Tidy Up Your Jewelry

While a fancy jewelry box is ideal, you can get creative! Shallow drawers with dividers, repurposed egg cartons, or even an ice cube tray can work wonders. Separate earrings meticulously by type – studs, hoops, danglers – and consider buying inexpensive earring backs if you’re prone to losing them.

Invest in small hooks or thumbtacks to hang necklaces individually, preventing those dreaded tangled messes. For delicate bracelets and rings, use soft fabric pouches or even pretty teacups for a touch of whimsy. Admire your newly organized collection – bet you’ll fall in love with some forgotten treasures!

44. Check Your Watches and Replace Batteries if Needed

Gather every watch, even those languishing in the back of drawers. Many use common battery sizes like LR44 or SR626, readily available at drugstores and watch shops.

If you’re not comfortable with DIY, a jeweler offers quick replacement services. After your watch army has fresh batteries, synchronize them all for ultimate timekeeping power!

spring cleaning checklist best guide 2024 - a photo of a man changing clock battery

45. Change Your Bed Linens

Say goodbye to those heavy winter sheets! Opt for luxurious, breathable fabrics like crisp cotton percale, soft linen, or even eco-friendly bamboo. If you’re a hot sleeper, look for options with moisture-wicking properties.

Invest in a high-quality pillowcase – silk or satin will reduce friction, protecting your hair and skin while you slumber. Finally, the ultimate indulgence: a linen spray infused with calming scents like lavender, chamomile, or a specially formulated sleep blend. A few spritzes, and you’ll drift off to dreamland in no time.

46. Rotate or Flip Your Mattress

Okay, rotating your mattress isn’t the most thrilling task, but trust me, it makes a difference in how well you sleep. Before you get flipping, strip that bed down and toss those sheets in the wash. While the mattress is exposed, grab your vacuum and go to town on those crevices!

Now, for the big reveal: if your mattress is double-sided, give it a full flip. If not, a quarter rotation will do the trick. Pop freshly laundered sheets back on, and congrats – it’s like a mini bedroom refresh!

a photo of a man vacuuming under the bed - spring cleaning checklist

47. Clean Under Your Bed

I swear the space under my bed attracts random stuff like a magnet. Missing socks, old receipts, maybe a long-abandoned book? Let’s find out! Gear up with a flashlight and something (like tongs) to grab those hard-to-reach items.

Once you’ve rescued the missing stuff, vacuum and mop like nobody’s business. Feeling extra cautious? Sprinkle some cedar chips to keep any creepy crawlies at bay.

48. Declutter Your Nightstand

Seriously, how does our nightstand get so messy so quickly? Let’s fix that. Clear everything off, give it a good wipe-down, and only put back the essentials – a lamp, a glass of water, and maybe your current read.

Tackle those drawers, ditching expired lip balms and random junk. Drawer dividers are lifesavers for keeping things organized in those dark depths!

Seamstress working at home spring cleaning day

49. Mend Any Clothes That Need Small Repairs

You don’t need to be a seamstress to fix those little clothing imperfections. We’re talking loose buttons, tiny holes, all those frustrating little snags.

Grab some thread and a needle, and find yourself a quick YouTube tutorial. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is and how satisfying it feels to extend the life of your favorite things!

50. Organize Your Belts, Bags, and Scarves

Belts, bags, and scarves – oh my! Let’s get those fashion staples sorted. Invest in a handy belt hanger for your closet or roll your belts up neatly and stash them in a drawer.

Dedicate a shelf or basket just for your bags, and stuff them with tissue or old t-shirts to help them keep their shape. Now for the scarves: folding is always classic, but have you tried tying them around bag handles? Such a fun and easy style upgrade!

Woman in red uniform holding colorful caps

51. Clean Your Hats and Caps

I’ll admit it – I have a bit of a hat obsession. But that means I’ve learned a few tricks to keep them looking fresh through the seasons. For sturdy baseball caps and beanies, a gentle handwash in your sink with cool water and a bit of mild laundry detergent is perfect. Let them air dry fully to avoid any shrinking or warping.

Straw hats are a bit more delicate; a soft-bristled brush for dusting and a slightly damp cloth to remove spots is the way to go. A word of caution: if your straw hat is vintage or has intricate details, it might be best to leave it to a professional cleaner to avoid any damage. Think of this as a handy addition to your spring cleaning checklist 2024!

Virus prevention concept flat lay - woman cleaning glasses spring cleaning

52. Polish Your Sunglasses

Sunglasses are basically shields against annoying squinting, but they deserve some TLC after being stashed away all winter. First, ditch any cases that are cracked or broken; a sturdy case is key to preventing scratches.

A cleaning kit with lens solution and a microfiber cloth will banish smudges and dust, leaving you with a crystal-clear outlook. If you don’t have a kit, a few drops of dish soap on a dampened microfiber cloth is also super effective! Now pop those sparkling clean sunnies back in their case and be ready to conquer sunny days in style.

53. Declutter the Kids’ Rooms

Conquering a kid’s room is an adventure in itself. Think like a treasure hunter as you recruit a little cleaning crew! Set a timer for 15-minute bursts to keep things fun. “Can you find 5 broken toys?” challenges their detective skills and encourages them to donate items they no longer use.

Focus on one zone at a time – tackling the overflowing bookshelf, sorting the dress-up bin, or rescuing LEGOs from under the bed. Remember, even small victories are cause for celebration! All these small steps contribute to that fresh, decluttered feeling you’re aiming for in your spring cleaning checklist 2024.

Side view mother trying to clean toys

54. Clean the Toys

Toys get a serious workout. Plastic toys are the easiest to clean – a tub of warm, soapy water (dish soap works wonders) and a quick scrub will do the trick. For disinfecting, fill a spray bottle with a mix of mostly water and a splash of white vinegar – it’ll leave surfaces germ-free without harsh chemicals.

Always read the tags on stuffed animals before cleaning. Many can handle a gentle cycle in your washing machine, followed by air drying to keep them fluffy.

55. Sort Out Your Craft Supplies

If you’re a fellow crafter, you know the thrill of finding the perfect supplies… and the frustration of cluttered chaos! Sorting bins are your savior here. Group similar items neatly – all the yarn together, paints neatly stacked, fabric scraps contained and labeled.

Get creative with storage solutions! Mason jars are perfect for buttons, beads, and other small bits. Old shoeboxes (covered in cute wrapping paper!) can house more bulky supplies.

Even a repurposed spice rack can become the perfect organizer for paints and small tools. Now, that’s a crafting space that inspires a burst of creative energy!

Young mother with little daughter at home checking school supplies

56. Check Your School Supplies

Whether you’re heading to class yourself or wrangling kiddos with overflowing backpacks, spring cleaning is the perfect time for a supply-check showdown! First, the purge: unleash a torrent of crumpled papers, dried-out highlighters, and the occasional half-eaten granola bar – recycling bin, here they come!

Lunchboxes get surprisingly funky, so hit those with a thorough wipe down using warm, soapy water, and leave them open to air dry completely. Gather loose papers (artwork? old tests?) and either file them away or embrace the joy of letting go. Finally, replenish the essentials: fresh pencils, a rainbow of pens, and maybe a quirky eraser for good measure.

women taking the dog toy to clean

57. Clean Your Pet’s Stuff

Our pets give us so much love, so let’s return the favor with a fresh take on their favorite spots! Pet beds get surprisingly dusty (and let’s be honest, sometimes a bit slobbery). Washable beds get a ticket straight to the laundry, while others get a solid vacuuming session, removing shed fur and hidden crumbs.

Pet toys often harbor secret grime and mysterious odors. For plastic chew toys, a soapy soak and a good rinse do the trick, while squeaky toys might need a wipe down with a pet-safe cleaning spray. Let’s not forget those trusty food and water bowls! Give them a good scrub with dish soap and hot water – good hygiene keeps those furry faces happy and healthy.

magnetic fish tank cleaning

58. Clean Your Fish Tank

Fish tanks bring a touch of zen, but even those serene environments need some attention during your spring cleaning checklist 2024 mission! First, always follow guidelines for your specific tank and fish species.

Generally, you’ll want to do a partial water change to remove excess waste and refresh the water. Use an aquarium-safe scraper to remove algae buildup on the glass and a special brush to gently clean any plastic plants or decorations. Finally, check those filters and pumps – proper maintenance creates a healthy environment for your underwater pals!

59. Check Your Plants, Prune Them, and Repot if Necessary

Houseplants add so much life to our spaces – literally! Let’s give them some attention so they can thrive. Start by inspecting for pests (ugh, mealybugs, begone!) or yellowing leaves, removing those culprits.

Now for a little hairstyling: prune any dead or leggy growth with clean shears – this encourages bushier growth. Is your plant getting a bit… cramped? Check if roots are sticking out of the pot’s drainage holes – it’s time to repot in a slightly larger home! Use fresh, well-draining potting mix for happy roots and healthy plants.

Frame of tools for gardening

60. Tidy Up Your Gardening Tools

Spring means blooming flowers and backyard projects, so get those gardening tools ready for action! Caked-on dirt is no friend to your shovel or rake – give them a wash with the hose and a gentle scrub with an old brush. For bladed tools like pruners and hedge clippers, use a sharpening stone to keep them ready to conquer overgrown branches.

A quick squirt of lubricating oil on hinges prevents rust and annoying squeaking so they operate smoothly. Finally, neatly arrange everything in your shed or garage – you’ll be ready to tackle any landscaping dreams!

61. Sweep Your Patio

Does your patio resemble a winter storage unit more than a relaxing escape? Fear not! If you have one of those satisfying power washers, turn that baby up for a deep clean of your patio’s surfaces.

No power washer? No worries! Grab a stiff-bristle outdoor broom and a bucket filled with warm, soapy water (dish soap works a treat) and give that patio a vigorous scrub-down. Move those chairs and tables to tackle the hidden corners – you never know what treasures (or lost socks) you might find!

Full shot father and girl cleaning chair

62. Clean Your Outdoor Furniture

Your patio furniture has endured some harsh weather, so let’s revitalize it! The method depends on the material: Wicker or metal furniture usually cleans up beautifully with a hose-down followed by a wipe with a soapy cloth. To banish any mildew spots on plastic chairs, use an eco-friendly cleaner that contains vinegar for a natural touch.

Have wooden furniture? Now’s the time to check for damage – a light sanding and a fresh coat of waterproof sealant will keep it looking sharp for many seasons to come. Finally, add a pop of personality with bright new cushions or a colorful throw blanket, creating an outdoor sanctuary perfect for those lazy sunny afternoons.

63. Get Your Grill Ready for BBQ Season

Nothing says ‘spring is here’ like the smell of sizzling food on the grill! Give your trusty sidekick some TLC so it’s up for the delicious task. First up: those crusty grates. Remove them and attack any burnt-on bits with a specialized grill brush and hot soapy water.

Wipe down the rest of the grill interior, removing old grease and debris that can affect the taste of your culinary creations. If you’re using a propane grill, check the tank’s fuel level, and restock if needed. Now that’s a grill designed for BBQ greatness!

man and woman sorting out garbage at home spring cleaning checklist 2024 guide best

64. Sort Out the Garage

The garage – a mysterious land of half-finished projects, forgotten sporting equipment, and “I might need this someday” items. Let’s change that! Channel your inner Marie Kondo – ruthlessly sort your possessions into “Donate,” “Trash,” and “Keep.” Be honest about those projects you’ll never finish or that exercise equipment gathering dust bunnies.

Next step? Storage solutions! Sturdy shelving units are perfect for bulky items, while a pegboard lets you see tools at a glance, keeping everything organized. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, consider investing in a sturdy workbench and create a designated project zone right in your own home.

65. Clean Out Your Car, Including the Trunk

Cars become mini snack zones remarkably fast. Start with a trash sweep – you’ll be surprised at the number of forgotten coffee cups and rogue french fries you find. Shake out the floor mats (or toss them in the washing machine for a deeper clean).

Now, it’s time to bust out that handheld vacuum – it’s perfect for tackling crumbs in those tight seat crevices. Don’t neglect the dashboard and cup holders— damp microfiber cloths are the secret to removing sticky spills and restoring shine.

Finally, the satisfying grand finale: sparkling windows! Use a glass cleaner specifically designed for cars to avoid streaks and achieve maximum visibility for all your upcoming adventures.

Repairing bicycle wheel

66. Check Your Bike

Let’s make sure your trusty bike is as ready for spring or even for a solo vacation day this 2024 as you are! Start with those tires – check the recommended PSI (pounds per square inch) printed on the sidewall and use a bike pump to ensure they’re properly inflated. Flat tires are a major bummer, so take a moment to inspect for any sneaky punctures. Having a small patch kit on hand is like a superpower for fixing flats on the go!

Now, let’s turn our attention to that hardworking chain. A dry, rusty chain can make even the easiest ride feel like a slog. Apply a bit of specialty bike lubricant to keep things running smoothly and quietly. And while you’re feeling handy, give your bike frame a quick wipe-down with a damp cloth – who doesn’t love a shiny, clean bike?

67. Get a New Doormat if Yours is Worn Out

Does your current doormat whisper “I’ve seen better days” to every visitor? No judgment here! It’s time to inject some personality into your entryway. Replace that weary mat with a new one that makes you smile!

Go bold with a vibrant pattern, embrace a quirky saying, or maybe choose a tough, textured mat designed to handle the muddiest of boots. Your entryway is the first impression, so make it count!

Young woman placing pinecone in the fireplace

68. Clean Out the Fireplace

After working overtime all winter, your fireplace deserves a well-earned break (and a deep cleaning). Safety first: Make sure those ashes are completely cool before handling them. Carefully scoop out the ashes and dispose of them in a thoughtful manner (did you know they can be beneficial for your garden?).

Give the interior a good scrub with a dedicated fireplace brush and a damp cloth to remove all traces of soot. This bit of housekeeping helps prevent lingering odors and gets your fireplace primed for those cozy fireside evenings when fall returns.

69. Book a Chimney Sweep

A professional chimney sweep is an absolute must for your spring cleaning checklist in 2024! They’ll expertly remove any buildup of creosote, a highly flammable substance, ensuring your fireplace is safe and ready to roar. Consider it an act of self-care – clean fireplace, cozy vibes, and peace of mind!

man washing down vent screens

70. Wash Your Window Screens

Window screens are like unsung heroes, filtering out dust and pollen, but they get surprisingly grimy. The cleaning process is a breeze: Carefully remove your screens and lay them on a tarp outside.

Using a garden hose with a gentle spray and some mild, soapy water, give them a good wash. For stubborn spots, use a soft-bristled brush. Rinse well, prop them up to fully air dry, and then reinstall, admiring those crystal-clear views and enjoying the extra dose of natural light!

71. Sweep the Driveway and Walkways

Driveways and sidewalks get kinda gross after winter. We’re talking leaves, weird mystery stains, and maybe even leftover remnants of those holiday decorations you forgot about. For epic cleaning power, a power washer is your best friend.

But, if you’re like me and rock the old-school cleaning approach, grab a sturdy outdoor broom and get sweeping! Bust out that bucket with warm, soapy water (dish soap is surprisingly effective) and scrub those stubborn spots with a stiff-bristle brush. Sometimes elbow grease is your spring cleaning superpower!

Man in protective gloves is painting wooden fence in bright summer day

72. Check Your Fence for Repairs

Winter can be brutal on fences! Do a walk-around inspection, keeping an eye out for loose boards, wiggly posts, or peeling paint. Tighten screws with a screwdriver – the right size makes a huge difference!

Have a hammer on hand to secure any nails that have popped out. If a board is completely damaged, hit your local hardware store for a replacement – they can often cut it to size for you. Finally, if your fence is looking a bit faded, a fresh coat of paint or stain does wonders – it’ll feel brand new!

73. Inspect and Clean Your Deck

Spring means BBQs and relaxation on the deck, but first, it’s cleanup time! Power washers are excellent at removing grime, but a good old-fashioned hose-down with a spray nozzle and a stiff-bristled deck brush work well too. Make sure to hit those awkward corners where leaves love to gather.

If your deck is wood, a specialized deck cleaner will erase those weathered marks. For an extra glow-up, grab a product called a deck brightener – it’ll bring back that gorgeous wood tone. Just remember, always test these products in a less visible area first!

a photo of a man washing down the gutters on spring cleaning day

74. Clean Out the Gutters

Okay, gutter cleaning isn’t glamorous, but it’s a must. Gear up with sturdy gloves (prepare to get messy!) and a ladder (safety first!). Scoop out those soggy leaves, twigs, and who knows what else is lurking up there.

A small garden trowel makes this task easier. Then, blast a powerful spray of water through your gutters using a hose nozzle – make sure everything flows freely! This might not be fun, but it prevents potential water damage, saving you from way bigger headaches later.

75. Have a Look at Your Roof for Any Damage

While we’re up high(ish), take a good look at your roof from the ground. Spot any missing shingles, cracked tiles, or weird patches of moss? If something looks iffy, don’t play roofer yourself (that’s a job for the pros!).

Contact a roofing company for a professional inspection. Catching those little issues early can save you a ton of money and stress from potential leaks inside your home.

man wearing protective clothing, disinfecting garbage bins with chemical

76. Disinfect Your Trash Cans

Trash cans, bless their hearts, get seriously funky. First, empty them completely, leaving no lingering bags or forgotten bits at the bottom. Take them outside and give them a thorough power wash, but if that’s not an option, a garden hose with a powerful spray nozzle and a good scrub down with soapy water will do the trick.

Once clean, the disinfecting power of white vinegar is your secret weapon: mix a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water in a spray bottle, spritz the inside and out liberally, and let it air dry. For extra deodorizing, sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom before putting in a fresh liner.

77. Refresh Your Home’s Scent by Boiling Cinnamon or Citrus Peels

Our 2024 spring cleaning checklist isn’t just about a clean home – it’s about those blissful “ahhhh” moments, too! Let’s ditch those chemical-filled air fresheners and harness the power of natural scents.

Fill a pot with water, add a few cinnamon sticks (broken in half to release more fragrance) or some orange and lemon peels, and bring to a simmer on the stove. The steam will carry that warm, inviting scent throughout your home, creating an instant sense of spring freshness. Bonus: It’s a cozy way to use up those leftover citrus peels!

Joyful couple dancing and singing during breakfast in kitchen wearing pajamas. Carefree wife and husband laughing having fun funny enjoying life authentic married people positive happy relation

Spring Cleaning Checklist 2024 Victory Lap: Time to Celebrate!

Whew, that spring cleaning checklist 2024 was no joke! You’ve banished dust bunnies, tamed cluttered corners, and restored order to your entire home. Now, it’s officially time to kick back and savor your success. But how to celebrate?

Treat yourself to something that makes you feel truly pampered. Maybe that means ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant, delivering a sense of freedom from the kitchen after all that cleaning.

Or, it could be drawing a luxurious bath with all the fixings – bubbles, candles, and a trashy novel you’ll definitely enjoy ironically. Want to really splurge? Treat yourself to that fancy gourmet ice cream that always seems a bit too indulgent… today, it’s a reward fit for a cleaning champion! Congrats, and enjoy your fully clean home!